Doctor At Home

Doctor home visit service provides clinical care that covers routine healthcare needs as well as long term assistance. The service is focused to promote the concept of family physician by providing clinical assistance at home.
The service is designed to provide primary health care and post – hospitalization care & chronic disease management
Assessment and treatment of the following conditions can be requested:
• General Assessment
Request for assessment for vitals/ general health issues.
• Medical Conditions
In case of any emergency like breathing difficulty and palpitations etc, request can be received which will require immediate attention.
a) Tachycardia/Palpitation/Bradycardia
b) Breathlessness
c) Urine retention
d) Assessment of Fall injury
• Minor Procedures
Request can be received for some minor procedure to be done at home in case the patient don’t want to visit the hospital for the same.
• Treatment & Procedure
a) Conservative Treatment
b) Dressing Changes
c) Urinary Catheterization;
d) Ryle’s Tube Change/Insertion